Saturday, March 16, 2013

Brush Lake Ride

Laura and I  rode the trail around Brush Lake. We went clockwise on it but it should be just as fun going the other direction too.  There was just a  bit of snow in the shady areas but the trail was mostly melted out and firm. Right now there is a fair amount of blowdown across the trail. It was a fun ride and I look forward to doing it again.
Just one of many trees across the trail.

The snowiest part of the trail right now.

Monday, March 11, 2013

Saturday, March 9, 2013

Another spring day, Another Bike Ride

Today we went out the district 5 road to Flemming creek.  The wind was at our backs on the way up but was against us coming back.  On the way back we decided to cut up through the State land, which was a bit of a mistake.  There was still a fair bit of snow back in there so we had to push our bikes a bit.  Overall it was a fun ride and the weather just keeps getting better.
Gauging Station on the river

Laura on the old railroad grade

Laura's Bike

A little bike & hike


Sunday, March 3, 2013

Game Cam Pics

I finally have a picture of something other than deer and elk.  I have pictures of a mountain lion.  I have my camera set up at chicken ridge and have gotten mostly elk pictures until now.  They aren't the greatest pictures but I am happy to have them.

Then of course I have to have a picture of Nelson.  Can you find him in the next picture.

Saturday, March 2, 2013

Bike Ride

We went for a bike ride today.  It was our first day well above 50 degrees.  We went to the refuge and back.  Lots of critters out and really felt like spring.