Friday, July 15, 2011


We got a load of fuel the other day and it came in a C-46.  What a neat old airplane.  It is great to see it still flying, let alone working and hauling fuel and freight all over Alaska. 

Wednesday, July 6, 2011


Laura and I competed in the second annual Bettles Triathlon on the 4th of July.   We were teamed up with Marty,who is doing some work in Bettles this summer. We called ourselves the B.R.A.  Bombers.  The triathlon consisted of paddling, bicycling and running.  Marty started off with the paddling, I did the biking, and Laura finished with the run.  Marty got the lead in the canoe race and was the first to tag off to a cyclist.  I was able to maintain that lead to the end of the bike ride.  I tagged off to Laura and she started the run. She led until the last 100 yards of the race.  She was actually passed by the only person to do the whole race as an individual.  For the overall race we got second, but we got first against 9 other teams.   It was a lot of fun and by getting first we got a free dinner at the Bettles Lodge.   Congrats to Beau who got first place overall.  Thanks to Fran for the triathlon photos.
BRA Bombers before the race

The canoe race

Laura at the finish

Bettles triathlon participants

and of course Nelson